Saturday, May 29, 2021

NEVER CHASE LOVE AFFECTION OR ATTENTION. IF IT ISN'T GIVEN FREELY BY ANOTHER PERSON, IT ISN'T WORTH HAVING.Be free, little one" I say as I lift up my hands. Out of my open hands flies a single fuck.

Don’t Be Cruel.WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE. Lead the way. Let the world catch up.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales:Rainbow Racers. Worlds in colors, world in the blue state, out of the red seas, coins to flip.Before The Knights, Kings, And Lions, Monkeys In Packs, Donkey Dates, Free Dinner. Rainbow Racers. Worlds in colors, world in the blue state...

 Endless possibilities. Boys to men, FOREVER HOME: Until Tomorrow: Shine.UNDRESSED.Alright start my new adventures. Of course there is more to this story.I am not the only writer of this story. This was not a dream.Me, or shall I say, I am also included in that group at this time as well. Have until the.houses with 2 areas by the beach, dreams to actions.

 Adult Lounge. Thickness Paradise NO NUDES OF FROGS..Adult Humour! 'COME AND TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE.' Creativity,Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun” Good Afternoon. UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Adele - When We Were Young, frogs and fools also. you views of joy. Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer.NEVER CHASE LOVE AFFECTION OR ATTENTION. IF IT ISN'T GIVEN FREELY BY ANOTHER PERSON, IT ISN'T WORTH HAVING.Be free, little one" I say as I lift up my hands. Out of my open hands flies a single fuck.

Lil whores.Frank Agresti,Classes on the beach, RV campers, pimps on wheels, time to stop. Coins in hand, cards on tables, frogs and snakes, poker players the good life.Jews In The Cities, Rats, And Roaches. Normal, Common, Plain, Faces In The Crowds, crooks, cheaters, liars, snakes in the grass, spiders, and worms.
May be an image of text that says 'We are all atheists about most of the gods societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further. Ralad Deekine'

What if we’ve all been primed?We’re all in this together. Stay home. Stay safe. We’ll get through this. It’s our new normal."IT IS A SCAMDEMIC PEOPLE !!!!OUR GOVERNMENT ONCE AGAIN IS PLAYING US LIKE THE PROVERBIAL FIDDLE WE ARE. WITH DEMENTED BIDEN FAILING AT EVERY PUBLIC SPEAKING THE LEFT IS THROWING A " HAIL MARRY.

On the road to Redemption. To fail, first attempts in learning, the end is effects never ends, equals next opening. NEVER CHASE LOVE AFFECTION OR ATTENTION. IF IT ISN'T GIVEN FREELY BY ANOTHER PERSON, IT ISN'T WORTH HAVING.Be free, little one" I say as I lift up my hands. Out of my open hands flies a single fuck. That was it. I have no fucks left to give. I 've had so many people walk out of my life these past 6 months I have no fucks left to give.Jesus Christ, bastard born in a barn, son of a cheap trick, and a pimp on a donkey late at night. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:

Don’t Be Cruel.WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE. Lead the way. Let the world catch up.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Lead the way. Let the world catch up.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales:NEVER CHASE LOVE AFFECTION OR ATTENTION. IF IT ISN'T GIVEN FREELY BY ANOTHER PERSON, IT ISN'T WORTH HAVING.Be free, little one" I say as I lift up my hands. Out of my open hands flies a single fuck. 
Caitlyn Jenner says transgender girls shouldn't get to participate on girls' sports teams because it 'just isn't fair'
Caitlyn Jenner says transgender girls shouldn't get to participate on girls' sports teams because...W E I R D, are words for rich and young at heart. Hidden messages in stories told, written history to pass.
"This is a question of fairness," said Caitlyn Jenner, who in 1976 won gold at the Olympics. Trans advocates say th...
Business Insider
This man became financially independent at 36 and says the key to happiness is ‘owning your own time’
This man became financially independent at 36 and says the key to happiness is ‘owning your own tim...W E I R D, are words for rich and young at heart. Hidden messages in stories told, written history to pass 
The 39-year-old landlord, who was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, reached $1 million Canadian dollars, or approximately U...

 Adult Lounge. Thickness Paradise NO NUDES OF FROGS..Adult Humour! 'COME AND TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE.' Creativity,Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun” Good Afternoon. UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Adele - When We Were Young, frogs and fools also. you views of joy. Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer.NEVER CHASE LOVE AFFECTION OR ATTENTION. IF IT ISN'T GIVEN FREELY BY ANOTHER PERSON, IT ISN'T WORTH HAVING.Be free, little one" I say as I lift up my hands. Out of my open hands flies a single fuck.

Rainbow Racers. Worlds in colors, world in the blue state, out of the red seas, coins to flip.Before The Knights, Kings, And Lions, Monkeys In Packs, Donkey Dates, Free Dinner. Rainbow Racers. Worlds in colors, world in the blue state...

  The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money. That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not.It's too bad they keep deleting your posts, I enjoy reading them they put a smile on my face.

All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing”I'm not perfect by any means but my intentions are good, my heart is pure and I love hard with everything I've got and because of those things..

FOR THE FIRST TIME... Joys And Pains, Bumps In The Roads, Paths Taken.
FOR THE FIRST TIME... Joys And Pains, Bumps In The Roads, Paths Taken.
Megan Fox. Travelers Walk Black Girls Spice Girls: Sole Sisters: UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news.. THIS IS ...

Biblical stories, the birth of Christ, hooked not married, brought a bastard in the world in a barn. Same story told eight times around the world. Daily bread for the masses, horse and pony shows. Food for sheep, fun for witty, educated , interesting, real and different earth angels. W E I R D, are words for rich and young at heart. Hidden messages in stories told, written history to pass

'White People right now: "This is ridiculous. People are getting arrested just for going to the park. Is this some kind of police state now? Our civil liberties are being violated." People of Color: Point well taken the Pews MemesO Ang INDEPES SEX'.We can't wait to listen to some of this music you submitted Thank God for rain.Every time my phone vibrates, I hope it's NOT you.It's too bad they keep deleting your posts, I enjoy reading them they put a smile on my face.
Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel.
Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel.
Peter Pan, Sonny And Starr Bright, Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.Felix the cat, lots of tricks, lots of fun and games, lots of laugh, ba...

The term Renaissance man , woman, nasty and nice, dimes to drop, witches, fairies, and earth angels. Host to greet, songs in the winds, or polymath is used for a very clever person who is good at many different things.  If It Isn’t Love:

Pimp on land, pimp in Upland, golden cows, hairless turkeys to fuck, on down low. Glasses colored in mud, glasses covered in cum, glasses for frogs and freaks. Goodness is close to you with her core of inner peace that is unshakable.Blame who: Fags to flags, Jewish Rites.

Earth angels, fairies, and pixies stuck in a pack of wolves. Mountains to climb, back from the dead, saved.Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight. Let The Music Play, Glory Dazes To Come, Sailing The Deep Blue.People say I be rude I say naw I'm real and I don't do bs .Goodness is close to you with her core of inner peace that is unshakable.Blame who: Fags to flags, Jewish Rites.

Voices with in, me, myself, and the noise inside of my head.Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, NY escapees. dicks, dawgs, and dates. Family Affairs. Nuts on the run, retards on donkeys, stories out of the bible. Goodness is close to you with her core of inner peace that is unshakable.Blame who: Fags to flags, Jewish Rites.

Jesus Christ, bastard born in a barn, son of a cheap trick, and a pimp on a donkey late at night. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight. Let The Music Play, Glory Dazes To Come, Sailing The Deep Blue.People say I be rude I say naw I'm real and I don't do bs .

 The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money. That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not.It's too bad they keep deleting your posts, I enjoy reading them they put a smile on my face.


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