Stop expecting everything to go smooth, cause it ain't. Time is a wheel, and time does not stop for looks, charms, or grasses that are greener for the cattle Party and play, tricks and trades, junk...Ain't nobody's business if I do.Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, money to pay, dreams in works, written notices, last longer, than word of mouth. In the real world, have to get back up, after a fall, seven times, seven times.
Listen As Voices of Liberty Perform ‘Silent Night’.Al Green-Lets Stay Together. Meet the 1st tiger cubs ever born at Disney World. "Everything's so simple, and we make everything so complicated. That's why we're confused.
The world is full of lunatics, heads above the common, plain, normal crazy, coins to flip.Practice What You Preach.Make Me Say it Again girl.Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks.
Still looking for more and better, the boy next door, black, Cali babe, over the rainbows, getting older,still have things to get done.
Fish or frog, plenty of fish, lots of frogs in the water.When you and the ROACH been battling for years .The world is full of lunatics, heads above the common, plain, normal crazy, coins to flip.Practice What You Preach.Make Me Say it Again girl.Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks
Never forget 3 types of people in your life: 1. Who helped you in your difficult times. 2. Who left you in your difficult times 3. Who put you in difficult times. PowerefPrsitivty'.Until Tomorrow: Shine.Heads, Hearts, Hands To Guide, Golden Years. Forever Young.Christmas Cheers, Happy Birthdays,Daily Holidays, Dances In The Streets.
The world is full of lunatics, heads above the common, plain, normal crazy, coins to flip.Practice What You Preach.Make Me Say it Again girl.Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks.
Would love to have company, to go to the mountains, we choose to climb.Pigs, Hogs, Retards, Dicks In Lights, Free Rides For Ducks, Dicks, Donkey Packs, Monkeys To Dodge.Peek-a-Boo.I miss you!!
TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.SHERI BETH JARROT VS BLAZE PIZZA, LLC, ET AL. Can you believe that ????Stupid, slow, silly, layers of lies.! momlife, grown kids, still in schools, trades to learn, how to live the good life...Switch - There'll never be:Golden Calf: Where Is The beef?What beef? Sheep And Goats, Dancers. Heads To Count, Views, Voices, Values, Horns, Hats, Hoes.
Freaks And Frogs, Dicks And Dogs,Coins To Flip, Love And Hearts. Luck And Dawgs. November 2: The day of the Dead: Happy dazes on the left side of the grave. No more life to talk about while undead and unstable, a group of hell hounds, or vamps in training, for a flip side of the coin.Heads Above The Common, Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Voices In My Head. Good times, history to note,not news today. Over the decades.
It’s NOW or NEVER.Family Matters: Ready for What?. Money comes ..Enough for the Charmed...NO MATTER HOW STUPID YOU FEEL, REMEMBER, LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD COULDN'T FIGURE OUT A TALKING WOLF IN DRAG WASN'T HER GRANDMOTHER'.YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID, Trade it , or find a cure, slow, simple, silly either.
Pigs, Hogs, Retards, Dicks In Lights, Free Rides For Ducks, Dicks, Donkey Packs, Monkeys To Dodge.Peek-a-Boo.I miss you!!TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.SHERI BETH JARROT VS BLAZE PIZZA, LLC, ET AL. Can you believe that ????Stupid, slow, silly, layers of lies.! momlife, grown kids, still in schools, trades to learn, how to live the good life...Switch - There'll never be:
This is the fight of our lives.Wish: granted! ✨A love that lives on forever. 💛My lost boy, I am your tinker bell 🧚♀️😭Lovers, haters, Risqué photography.THE PROMISES~MEN MAKE~BUT RARELY KEEP~Lights, Kids, Goats, And Hares Lost.. Fairy tales,Beach Bums.I'm seeking friendship and possibly more if there's a connection. I'm an amateur photographer in Southern CA, in my early 60's, in good shape, 5'10", 200lbs, who enjoys taking erotic photos of beautiful women, friends, lovers ♥ and sharing them with their approval. I'm very discreet, respectful with a Dominant side. If you enjoy erotic photography, please visit my Flickr page, say hello and leave a comment or two.
Dust in the wind...Poetic justice, Mary Little Manning, Bailey, was a snake in the grass, had 3 kids by the age of 12. Tricked a married woman, with a husband and 5 kids, that she was her replacement. The A student, and the 6th grade drop-out. To be buried on the day, Aleane Bailey died, The love of his life, linked in history as the other woman.
Read “ When We Were Young : Dances On The Sands Of Time ”, by Bailey Battles online on Bookmate – LAST CHANCE. A wise man hears one word and...
Cows to call home, pages to books. Frank Agresti , Retards, rejects, assholes, family affairs, head counts: Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti. Those who vote vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide every everything. Joseph Stalin.Time of our lives, the best is yet to cum.'BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.''The ugliest thing that I have ever seen, is a human being without compassion.'
I don’t care about your race I don’t care if your new or old ARMY. Army of frogs, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family affairs, good time toads.Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.
Fish or frog, plenty of fish, lots of frogs in the water.When you and the ROACH been battling for years .The world is full of lunatics, heads above the common, plain, normal crazy, coins to flip.Practice What You Preach.Make Me Say it Again girl.Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks
Never forget 3 types of people in your life: 1. Who helped you in your difficult times. 2. Who left you in your difficult times 3. Who put you in difficult times. PowerefPrsitivty'.Until Tomorrow: Shine.Heads, Hearts, Hands To Guide, Golden Years. Forever Young.Christmas Cheers, Happy Birthdays,Daily Holidays, Dances In The Streets.
Never forget 3 types of people in your life: 1. Who helped you in your difficult times. 2. Who left you in your difficult times 3. Who put you in difficult times. PowerefPrsitivty'.Until Tomorrow: Shine.Heads, Hearts, Hands To Guide, Golden Years. Forever Young.Christmas Cheers, Happy Birthdays,Daily Holidays, Dances In The Streets.
Doing fine, what about you, thanks for the reply, here are a few things I wanted to share. I write books, about the paths that I have crossed.I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.Lucky breaks, walks in the park, sunny and bright, heads above the common.Every mind is its own world. It's all about perception. You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance.This differs for everyone else because everyone's path is different which is why you should never compare yourself to others.Can it be Friday everyday!Politics & Insights.
Is this some kind of police state now? Our civil liberties are being violated." People of Color: Point well taken the Pews. One Fine Day.Nuts:Life.Books,Balls New Hat To Wear. Dreams In Works. All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing.BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.
As a result, they created this House in the Mountains, Time to take a walk, ships to sail, veterans with guns. DREAMS IN ACTIONS ARE GOALS AND PLANS IN PLACE, DREAMS AND GOALS VARY WITH THE DEADLINES.All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing.BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.
Republicans Are To Blame. Dirt Balls.Monsters All the Way Down. Suspending the Constitution. What Keeps Them Up at Night. Rip.Yonkers, donkeys and dicks... Do you speak, read, and write, English?Today is the day, a man without honor, is a man without a home, just saying, history has been created San Diego Heroes Realty,2235 MORNINGSIDE ST, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92139 Doing fine, what about you, thanks for the reply, here are a few things I wanted to share. I write books, about the paths that I have crossed.I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.Lucky breaks, walks in the park, sunny and bright, heads above the common.Zeros, battles and wars, rewards for a great job, hands in the air, cheers for the leaders, chaps for the lives saved, pages to turn. Thanks so much for the time in hell, battles and wars won.
My name is Robert Rodriguez proud to say I served my Country for 30+ years as a US Army Soldier Master Sergeant Retired. I'm honored to be the Founding Broker for San Diego Heroes Realty. I've been in the Real Estate Business since 2002 I have over 18 years of experience in the real estate and mortgage industries.Back in time, had a few things to share, writing books, to say it all, it may take a while. Writing, is something to do, to the mind, in working order, is my view to share, until the cows come homeZeros, battles and wars, rewards for a great job, hands in the air, cheers for the leaders, chaps for the lives saved, pages to turn. Thanks so much for the time in hell, battles and wars won.
'Everyone is so focused on acting savage, busy, and heartless these days. Meanwhile, I'm searching for the humans that believe in compassion, love, and human connection' Ain't No Sunshine: NY escapees: Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disabled, black veterans.
Breaking the Silence :To Understand Normal Thinking. Book written, Bailey Battles, and there is more to come, that was the second or third book, written this year, working on the fifth and the six books , bits and pieces now.
All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing.BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.
Every mind is its own world. It's all about perception. You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance.This differs for everyone else because everyone's path is different which is why you should never compare yourself to others.Can it be Friday everyday!Politics & Insights.
All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing.BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.
Classes on love and devotion, goodness and mercy, angels to see. Classes of joys and pains, goodness and mercy, love and hate, to teach, and always to learn. 'I I DON'T ALWAYS GO THE EXTRA MILE, BUT WHEN I DO IT'S BECAUSE I MISSED MY EXIT.'
"Ain't nobody's business if I do.Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, money to pay, dreams in works, written notices, last longer, than word of mouth. RITES OF PASSAGES, SUNNY, BRIGHT, WITS AND CHARMS: DREAM KNIGHTS . GREAT JOB
SONGSTOSINGDANCESINTHERAINFACETOADS.BLOGSPOT.COM Judaism 101: Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. Day of the Dead: Chicks And Babes, Faces In The Mirror, Faces Of The Dead.: "Bad Spirit" Cheerleaders. pimps - compute.info.Rabbi:HELPS COPE WITH MY MENTAL HEALTH SO THANK YOU.To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of chances taken to bring lights on these matters.
Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking!If you’re struggling tonight, please know you’re not alone. You matter very much. Please don’t ever give up. There’s a reason you were created. You are special and you are loved.
Life is a season of changes.Read, Rites, Reasons, Birds And Bees, Battles And Wars, Lovers, Haters, Houses And Homes. Veterans Housing Matters.We make a choice to be happy, joyful and helpful to the others that we encounter just to keep our lives in focus. Ducks, Dawgs, Donkey Dates, Men And Mice, Cartoon Hits, Lots Of Luck, Faces Of Freaks.
America's best pics and videos is fun of your life. Images, GIFs and videos featured seven ti...
'I'M SORRY, DID I ROLL MY EYES OUT LOUD?Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always. Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Dances In The Rain, Birds, Bees, Bugs, Counting Heads. Green Frogs,Army Of One, Sunny And Bright, Yellow stone gonna blow..doomsday.Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.I see how much I'm worth....good looking.
Just Amazing! Don't change yourself to win someone's heart. Stay true and you'll find someone who likes you for being you.Be happy. When I’m not studying, I like being social and active but equally enjoy my quiet time. Alone again, silent knights, house on the block, walks to the beach, retired, it would be so nice. IT HURTS ME TO READ AND WRITE THESE TERRIBLE THINGS HONESTLY. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.